Microsoft Project Introduction (1 day – £695, plus VAT)

This course is designed for beginners and covers: the basics; working with tasks; linking & scheduling tasks; resources & costs; working with views; and finalizing the plan.

The Basics

Understanding Project Management, Launching Microsoft Project, The Project Environment, Creating A New Project, Entering Project Information, Creating A Project Calendar, Saving And Closing A Project, Opening An Existing Project, Hiding The Ribbon, Setting Project Options, Getting HelpOn Your Own

Working With Tasks

Entering Tasks, Editing Tasks, Rearranging Tasks, Inserting And Deleting Tasks, Outlining Tasks, Adding A Recurring Task, Displaying Wbs Codes, Customizing Wbs Codes

Linking & Scheduling Tasks

About Task Relationships, Linking Tasks, Adding Lead Time And Lag Time, Changing Task Dependency, Splitting Tasks, Setting Task Type, Setting Task Constraints, Setting Milestone Tasks, Setting Task Deadlines, Inspecting A Task

Resources & Costs

Entering Resources, Creating A Resource Calendar, Assigning Resources To Tasks, Filtering Resources, Effort-Driven Scheduling, Entering Resource Costs, Entering Fixed Costs, Using The Cost Table

Working With Views

Working In Calendar View, Formatting A Gantt Chart, Using More Views, Using Split Views, Using Task Usage & Resource Usage Views, Sorting Tasks & Resources, Using Autofilters, Using Tables, Printing A View

Finalizing The Plan

Viewing The Critical Path, Identifying Slack In A Project, Saving A Baseline Plan, Saving An Interim Plan, Overallocated Resources