Microsoft Outlook Advanced (1 day – £595, plus VAT)

This course is suitable only for those with considerable prior experience and covers: processing messages automatically; managing junk e-mail; automatically responding to messages; collaborating with others; securing your system, messages, and identity; designing and using forms; and using templates.

Processing Messages Automatically

Understanding Message Rules, Creating And Using Rules, Controlling Rules, Sharing Rules With Others, Backing Up And Restoring Rules, Using The Organize Pane To Create Rules, Using Rules To Move Messages Between Accounts, Running Rules Manually And In Specific Folders

Managing Junk E-Mail

How Outlook Junk E-Mail Filtering Works, How Outlook Phishing Protection Works, Enabling And Configuring Junk E-Mail Filtering, Controlling Automatic Downloads, Marking And Unmarking Junk E-Mail, Creating Other Junk E-Mail Rules, Other Spam Filtering Solutions, Managing Junk E-Mail Effectively

Automatically Responding To Messages

Creating Automatic Responses With The Out Of Office Assistant, Creating Automatic Responses With Custom Rules

Collaborating with Others

Delegating Responsibilities to an Assistant, Assigning Delegates and Working as an Assistant, Adding and Removing Delegates, Scheduling on Behalf of Another Person, Sending Email on Behalf of Another Person, Granting Access to Folders, Configuring Access Permissions, Accessing Other Users’ Folders

Securing Your System, Messages, And Identity

Configuring HTML Message Handling, Protecting Messages With Digital Signatures, Signing Messages, Encrypting Messages, Protecting Data With Information Rights Management

Designing And Using Forms

Overview Of Standard Forms, Item Types, And Message Classes, Creating Custom Forms From Standard Forms, Creating Custom Forms From Scratch, Creating Multipage Forms, Adding And Arranging Controls, Adding Graphics To Forms, Adding User-Defined Fields, Using Office Documents To Create Outlook Forms, Publishing And Sharing Forms, Using Forms Effectively

Using Templates

Working With E-Mail Templates, Using Other Outlook Template Types, Editing Templates, Sharing Templates