Power BI Online Training: Power BI Bookmarks and Business Narratives




Power BI Bookmarks and Business Narratives

Power BI’s bookmark feature allows you to create an unlimited number of virtual pages to which the user can navigate. It is a truly game-changing feature which enables report-creators to design narrative-based reports tailored to a particular audience. This course will show you how to leverage Power BI’s Bookmarks and Selection panes to add interactivity to your business narratives.

You will learn how to create a web-style navigation bar complete with hidden buttons which hyperlink to your bookmark content; and how to use the Selection pane to create slicers which control the user experience, but which remain completely hidden from the user.

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The course discusses the building of an interactive Power BI report from the ground up. We start by discussing the page itself; its shape, its dimensions and how you can use page backgrounds to add impact to your reports. We also discuss the use of a percentage-based grid and the creation of placeholders as an aid to report design.

No substantial Power BI report can be built without some degree of data wrangling; therefore this course also provides users with further practice on creating DAX formulas using key functions such as CALCULATE, FILTER, ALL and VALUES.

We also discuss the benefits of using unlinked, disconnected tables to store narrative data; and the DAX measures required to retrieve data from unlinked tables, based on user actions.

In short, if you are looking to quickly get up to speed on the benefits provided by Power BI’s Bookmarks and Selection panes, this is the only course you will need.


Section 1: Getting Started

1. Overview Of Course
2. Downloading the Course files

Section 2: Preparing the Power BI Page

1. Understanding Page Size and Background
2. Creating a Page Background in Adobe Photoshop
3. Creating a Page Background in PowerPoint
4. Using a Page Grid to Prepare a Storyboard

Section 3: Connecting to the Data

1. Connecting to the Excel Data
2. Transforming the Data in Power Query

Section 4: DAX and the Data Model

1. Optimizing Table Relationships
2. Using DAX Implicit Measures
3. Bypassing the Filter Context with DAX
4. Calculating Issues Resolved for the Entire Year
5. Calculating Employee Rating for the Entire Year

Section 5: Creating the Filtered Visuals

1. Creating the Employee Details Table
2. Creating a Pie Chart to Show SLA breakdown
3. Creating a Bar Chart to Show Issue Outcomes
4. Specifying Visual Interactions

Section 6: Using the Bookmarks and Selection Panes

1. Overview of the Selection Pane
2. Overview of the Bookmarks Pane
3. Importing the Staff Images

Section 7: Creating the Navigation Bar

1. Creating a JPEG in PowerPoint
2. Creating Invisible Buttons

Section 8: Using an Unlinked Table for Narration

1. How Unlinked Tables Work
2. Using the Text Wrapper Custom Visual
3. Retrieving a Value Based on the Current Selection

Section 9: Finalizing the Project

1. Adding the Spotlight Effect
2. Publishing and Testing

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Single User, 2 Users, 5 Users, 10 Users, 25 Users, 50 Users, 100 Users, 500 Users, 1000 Users